This quick reference for installation of The Dentist will work for both, the demo
version as well as the actual software. There is no difference in the installation
procedure. The Dentist has been developed in Visual Basic 12.0 and is based on the Dot Net libraray of Windows. It is mandatory to have this installed on your computer. The software will work with Windows 7 upwards. The dot net library verison 4.5 can be downloaded from the Mircrosoft website and is completely free of charge.
Pre Installation sequence
Install Dotnet framework 4.5. (This is a free download from Microsoft and is a
46 MB file. After downloading it takes about 5 to 6 minutes to install)
Run Reportview.msi to enable reports on the Dental Software. (This is a free
download from Microsoft and is about 10 MB. This takes about 2 minutes to install).
If this does not install it will be because it also requries a pre-requisite
called "SQLSysClrTypes" which is also freely available from Microsoft.
Install SMSCountry_com_object.exe for functioning of the SMS feature. BITEIN
has an arrangement with SMS country for sending SMS from within the software.
This file has to be installed for enabling the SMS feature. This is a free file
available from This takes about 2 minutes to install.
Installing the Software
Installing is a simple matter of copying the dp2012.exe file on the hard disk
of the computer. It is technically possible to run this exe file directly from a
CD or a flash drive but it is not recommended. It is a good idea to create a
desktop shortcut to the exe file and also include it in the Startup program list.
In fact, any future updates will only require you to copy the new EXE file. As
simple as that.
This completes installation of the software.Using the software effectively requires
some basic intial steps. These are on the "Start Up Walkthrough" page.