Smile Designing with Smylist®

Smylist® has a completely logical and rational approach to designing smiles and creates individually driven objective smiles for each person. There are major pardigm shifts which provide the rules and guidance to create an individual smile. This is the only system that identifies midlines as straight, sloped and curved and lays down the rules for matching teeth with the face by "geometrical face mapping". Rules have been laid down called the "W.A.C.P" (White Aesthetic Conscious Preplanning) which helps in creating perfectly harmonious smiles and virtually create the entire white aesthetics before initiating any clinical treatment.

The W.A.C.P along with its 8 Smylist® aesthetic parameters is an integral part of the Smylist® method offering an unparalleled and completely novel approach to Smile Designing allowing the dentist to choose the ideal smile from among 60,000 various designs possible with the W.A.C.P and its 8 parameters. It ensures that the design of any dental rehabilitation, wether it be for primarily aesthetic concerns or even essentially for restorative work, the design should amalgamate with the patients face and character. The W.A.C.P method incorporates 8 parameters into the systematic planning and a step by step implementation procedure is followed using the Smylist® methodology, thus creating an ideal harmony between the face and smile.

In fact, Smylist® has created the one of its kind Smylist® Aesthetic Design Software which can generate such smiles in a matter of minutes with the provision to tweak the smile to make harmonious end results. Coupled with the Smylist® Lab Software the entire task of Smile designs is simplified considerably.

Smylist®, being the only system that blends aesthetics with function, also incorporates all functional aspects in every smile design with the help of the unique Smylist based horizontal and vertical lines and the individual midline.