Smylist® has demonstrated how a "rotated" mandible may lead to a number of systemic problems. Not only has the connection been esablished, but studies have shown that the problems could be reversed or prevented. In fact the Staticus diagnostic device identifies the body imbalance which is an outcome of muscular imbalances. These cause undue stretching and/or spasms of some of the muscles. Smylist® believes that the stressed muscles can constantly have a deleterious effect on the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system and the fascia. As a further consequence this could impact the proper functioing of the associated internal organs.This sequence of events is called the "Negative Cascade Effect" and can lead to one of the described systemic issues depending on the body compensation that takes place due to the rotated mandible. There are a large number of studies published in the literature which have shown a co-relation between the occlusion, TMJ and systemic health issues. Smylist® has gone one step further and considers the mandible as just one of the bones in the musculoskeletal system which is stabilized if the teeth occlude in harmony with the muscles. The aim of Smylist® is to create a balanced occlusion which will maintain the mandible and its muscles in a symmetrical and balanced position. Thus, Smylist® first positions the mandible in its rightful place and then establishes the occlusion. This approach is extremely beneficial for the entire musculo skeletal system and the internal organs of the body.

Chronic Migraine

Chronic migraine could be reversibly linked to a laterally rotated mandible arising out of a spasm of the temporalis muscle on one side.


A number of studies have shown that tinnitus is probably an outcome of a hypersensitized trigeminal ganglion which in turn is caused due to a spasm of the muscles attached to the styloid process which compresses the surrounding tissue, thus causing the tinnitus.

Neck Ache

Chronic neck ache is a direct muscular spasm of the sterno cliedo mastoid and adjacent muscles in an attempt to compensate for spasms in the mimic/masticatory muscles caused by a rotated mandible.

Restricted Hand Movement

This takes place because of a constant spasm in the muscles insertions around the shoulder joint leading to inability to fully extend the hand. These contracted muscles restrict the full hand movement.

Upper/Mid Backache

Upper and mid backaches without any regular underlying causative pathology would be most likely a resultant of a rotated mandible. The body is compensating with the musculo skeletal system trying to adjust the body balance causing muscles to over work.

Lower Backache

Persistent lower back ache will usually be coupled with an improper posture which intensifies muscle spasms. A rotated mandible, over a period of time will lead to such situations.

Knee ache

Unilateral knee ache is a very prevalent but slow progressive ailment and it hampers movement and the ability to walk and climb. Unilateral knee ache is attributed to a poor posture and overloading of the afflicted knee which is actually a direct consequence of mandibular rotation.

Chronic Acidity

A significant number of people are known to be having chronic acidity in spite of no underlying pathology. All investigations reveal no causative etiology. A retruded mandible or a severely over rotated mandible can be the causative factor of this problem.

Difficulty on exertion

A significant number of 35 plus individuals tend to develop tiredness and inability to exert and it is attributed to ageing. The actual reason is a very bad posture which does not allow the lungs to function to full capacity. The bad posture can be a resultant of a rotated mandible as well.

Early onset ageing

This is a phenomenon termed by Smylist® as Gnathoageing. A rotated mandible causes muscle hyprrophy as well as hypertrophy, loss of skin tone, deepens wrinkles, poor blood supply and lympatic drainage to the fascia which makes the face look much older than actual.

Persistent Hoarse Voice

A rotated mandible can cause the supra hyoid muscles to stretch and and create a constant pull on the larynx in two dimensions - vertical and horizontal. This makes the voice consistently hoarse.

Poor Posture

A rotated mandible is directly responsible for various types of poor postures due to the body compensations taking place in the musculo skeletal system.