Dr. Maria Csillag

Director and Chair person

She is the orignator and creator of the Smylist concept. She is a dental graduate and postgraduate from Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. She has been in private practice and has been imparting training from the late 90's. In the process she has created the most innovative advancement of dentistry in the century - the Smylist concept.

Mr. Istvan Csonka

IT Head

Mr. Angira Arya


He has been involved with active marketing of concepts and imparting training for aspring management students. He is the top art autioner of India having dealt with a vast range of the uppermost paintings and scultpures of India. He now heads Smylist Global as its Marketing chief and is a director in the company.

Ms Zsófia Szarvas

Product Promotions


Dr. Ajay Kakar


A Periodontist and Implantologist, he maintains a private practice in Mumbai and travels and lectures around the globe. He has been involved with the Smylist concept since 2018 and has been actively involved with the development of the Staticus and its associated software.